HE-BCI major review

The current HE-BCI major review, first announced at the 2019 National Centre for Universities and Business Annual Conference, seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What data in HE-BCI is no longer sufficiently valuable, and what should be discontinued?
  • What are the main uses of the current data about Higher Education interactions with Business and the Community, that should be preserved?
  • What adaptations or new concepts might be necessary to ensure user needs for data about Higher Education interactions with Business and the Community can be met in the future?
  • What data about Higher Education interactions with Business and the Community is currently compiled (in HE providers and elsewhere) which could be made available, either to reduce duplication or enhance value for users?
  • What alternative data standards already exist in this domain, and are they suitable for use?
  • In what ways should HESA be improving its outputs to better meet user needs?

Given the nature of the organisation, YU is exclusively a user of this dataset, and it does not prepare annual data submissions. Therefore, YU focused its response to answering the question as to how it uses the HE-BCI data for from a user point of view, and what aspects of the dataset might be improved in the future.

You can read the consultation response in full here.

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