Climate & Sustainability

Addressing issues around climate and sustainability is a key part of universities civic responsibilities. As influential anchor institutions, universities:

  • provide opportunities for students and staff to engage with climate issues both academically and practically;
  • have an excellent understanding of their region and can provide both place-based and global perspectives to addressing complex issues;
  • are able to influence the surrounding ecosystem of organisations;

In addition to our twelve member universities, Yorkshire Universities has strong links with a range of other anchor institutions across Yorkshire, such as local government organisations and the NHS. Much of our work revolves around our ability to connect and convene diverse stakeholders; as such we are able to support a response to issues of climate and sustainability that is truly representative of Yorkshire.

Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission

The Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission (YHCC) is an independent advisory body set up to bring actors from the public, private and third sectors together to support and guide ambitious climate actions across the region. Dr Peter O’Brien, YU Executive Director, is a YHCC Commissioner.

The Commission has four inter-related aims:

  • to foster climate resilience and adaptation to climate risks and impacts;
  • to support rapid progress towards net zero carbon emissions;
  • to encourage a just and inclusive transition and climate actions that leave no-one and nowhere behind; and
  • to promote sustainability and climate actions that also protect nature and biodiversity.

The Commission works towards its goals by enabling engagement, supporting constructive debate, strengthening the evidence base, promoting best practice, helping to build capacities for financing and delivery and regularly reviewing progress.

Find out more about the Commission.

Regional Picture & Evidence Group

During Phase 1 of the YHCC, Yorkshire Universities was tasked with convening the Research & Evidence Panel (REP). The REP, had been working closely with the YHCC in developing the Climate Action Plan which was published in 2021 and connecting academic research into a series of subject-specific Delivering Impact Sessions throughout 2022-23.

During 2024 and Phase 2 of the YHCC, the REP has been transitioning into the Regional Picture & Evidence Group (RPEG) and alongside the other three strategically focussed core groups:

  • Communities and Engagement Group,
  • Regional and National Policy Collaborations,
  • Public Affairs Steering Group

These four groups guide and support the Commission’s flagship projects.

The RPEG seeks and signposts the latest knowledge of climate related progress and challenges in the region.
As well as curating a regional evidence base from existing data, the group helps identify gaps that need addressing so that we have a full regional picture to inform climate action. The priority of the RPEG will be:

  • To steer the development of metrics tracking the progress of the refreshed Climate Action Plan actions to ensure the Commission knows when it is, or is not, succeeding in these actions;
  • To work with the flagship projects to identify, and find resources to meet their evidence needs;
  • To lead on development and maintenance of YHCC’s ‘Areas of Research Interest’ that represent gaps in evidence and research crucial to the Commission’s work plan.
  • To act as an interface between the Commission and the regional research community (both within and outside of higher education institutions (HEIs) to identify and enable opportunities and resources to meet the Commission’s needs, and foster new collaborations and projects where partnering with the Commission can add value. In particular, the RPEG will encourage engagement from early career researchers, graduates and students with a research interest in the work of the Commission through events such as the Student Sustainability Research Conference;
  • To incubate ideas for new Commission flagship projects as they may arise.

UPDATE: RPEG meetings are due to restart in late autumn 2024, with a refreshed representation from across the YU institutions as well as non-HE organisations. The secretariat will be jointly supported by YU & YHCC. If you’re interested please get in touch with us and consider exploring the roles of affiliate or and associate with the YHCC.

Phase 1 Research & Evidence Panel related publications:

UPP Sustainability Service-Learning Pilot Project 

In January 2023, Yorkshire Universities was named as one of the eight initiatives awarded funding by the UPP Foundation. Our application supported universities’ efforts to embed environmental sustainability within their local community and enable students to directly contribute to achieving this.

This regional pilot project has now concluded. You can read about it and the key findings in the newly published: Good Practice Guide for Engaging Students in Sustainability Service-Learning.

Student Sustainability Research Conference

The Student Sustainability Research Conference (SSRC) is an annual event organised and hosted by the University of Leeds. The SSRC allows students to present their research and to attend various talks and workshops, enriching their studies and cementing the importance of issues around climate and sustainability

In 2023, YU was a supporting event partner and the conference was opened to student speakers from universities across the YU membership. The conference was attended by over 300 students from eleven of our member universities, with dozens of academic posters, talks, workshops exhibitions and installations.

In 2024, the conference showcased 108 student contributors who shared their research and reflections across 57 presentations, four workshops, three installations, one biodiversity monitoring session and 70 academic posters. There were over over 500 delegates registered for the event, with attendees from eleven YU institutions.

With the Steering Group, we are just starting preparations for the 2025 edition, please get in touch if you’re interested to find out more or join the group on behalf of your university.