Creating inclusive and sustainable growth and development: the contribution of Yorkshire Universities

Context The Labour Government is committed to delivering five key Missions: Growth; NHS; Clean Energy; Safer Streets; and Opportunity. In relation to Growth and Opportunity, there is uneven geography of wealth and prosperity in the UK – a legacy of entrenched spatial and social inequalities. In England, a sub-national architecture of devolution is taking root …

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White text on a blue background reads "Resources for Regional Analysis of Graduate Labour Markets". Next to the text there is the outstretched hand of a person in a suit with a drawn image of a graduation cap.

New collection of resources to support regional analysis of graduate labour markets

Marina Tapley, YU Policy and Research Officer Directly access the new tool launched by Yorkshire Universities that compiles existing resources to support regional analysis of graduate labour markets by clicking here. Yorkshire Universities (YU) held a recent workshop to explore priorities for regional analysis of graduate labour markets out of a set of identified areas …

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How regional collaboration can help policymakers and employers understand the career readiness of students

Marina Tapley, YU Policy and Research Officer Dr Bob Gilworth, Senior Lecturer in Careers Guidance at the University of Huddersfield. This article was first published by HEPI on 6 July 2024 A Yorkshire Universities (YU) project has produced the first large-scale picture of student self-reported career readiness at the start of undergraduate study across an …

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Higher Education Policy Landscape – Summer 2023

This briefing provides an overview of key Higher Education (HE) policy developments up to July 2023, highlighting national updates that will impact HE in Yorkshire, as well as examples of key developments within the region. This briefing was originally shared to provide context and updates about the HE landscape to external partners that YU is working with across local government and has been adapted for our website.

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YU Briefing on the Government Response to the Lifelong Loan Entitlement Consultation

In March 2023, the government responded to the outcomes of the recent Department for Education’s (DfE) consultation on the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE), which ran between February and May 2022. The Yorkshire Universities (YU) briefing provides an update and reflects on how the Government’s position relates to the points raised in YU’s Response to this …

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YU Briefing on Spring Budget 2023

On 15 March 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt MP, delivered the Spring Budget to the House of Commons. The Government wants the Budget to deliver on the priorities set out by the Prime Minister to halve inflation, grow the economy, and get debt falling. Hunt presented his approach as a four-pillar ‘Industrial …

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Ambitions and aspirations for University-Investor links in R&D in Yorkshire and the Humber

Read our new joint publication with the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) titled ‘Ambitions and aspirations for University-Investor links in R&D in Yorkshire and the Humber’ exploring the findings and recommendations from the Research England-commissioned Rees Review and what they mean in practice for Yorkshire. This publication also captures the discussion from the …

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YU briefing on the Further Education White Paper and recent Higher Education policy developments

The government has published several documents with resonance for higher education (HE). These include: ‘Skills for jobs: lifelong learning for opportunity and growth’ (White Paper); ‘Interim conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding’; ‘Government response to Dame Shirley Pearce’s independent review of the teaching excellence and student outcomes framework’; Guidance to the Office …

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Health in all Local Industrial Strategies?

Guest contribution from Michael Wood, NHS Confederation

The government published its Industrial Strategy in November 2017, setting out a long-term plan to create an economy that boosts productivity and earning power throughout the UK. Critically, every local economic area in England, along with the devolved administrations, is now developing its own local industrial strategy. This briefing reflects on the emerging importance of health to many of the early draft local industrial strategies, explores the opportunities for the NHS that exist at both system and organisational level and outlines how to engage with and influence the development of these strategies in the coming year.

Key points

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