Levelling Up in Yorkshire and the Humber – A Position Statement by Yorkshire Universities and Yorkshire & Humber Councils

The government is committed to levelling up growth and opportunity, and to ensure that no region is left behind. Yorkshire and the Humber enjoys significant strengths and advantages. But the region also faces fundamental challenges. Targeted, long-term investment would deliver real improvements in productivity, education and skills, employment participation and population health. This position statement …

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Levelling up is not a zero-sum game

Dr Peter O’Brien, YU Executive Director In last Sunday’s newspapers, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, confirmed that the government is planning to publish its long-awaited Levelling Up White Paper this week. Whilst other events have pre-occupied the government recently, demand has nevertheless been growing for a clearer direction …

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Working together, universities can connect diverse research assets, for the benefit of all

Monika Antal, Executive Manager This blog was first published by JiSC on 21 January 2022 Like many universities across the nation, the 12 members of the Yorkshire Universities (YU) group supported the COVID-19 response, working with the NHS, government, industry and local authorities to act swiftly. From vaccines to treatments, analysing data, and sharing buildings, …

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Introducing YU’s new Policy and Research Officer

Marina Tapley, Policy and Research Officer I joined Yorkshire Universities (YU) in November as the new Policy and Research Officer. After being part of the Executive Team for over a month, I am taking the opportunity to introduce myself, and to reflect on what I have enjoyed getting involved with at YU so far, and …

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YU’s take on the 2021 NCUB State of the Relationship Report

Marina Tapley, Policy and Research Officer On Friday 3 December the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) published their State of the Relationship 2021 report and held an online launch event. This think piece reflects on the report and event, as well as situating them within the context of the relationships between universities and …

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A fair, just and long-lasting recovery for all: Forecasting and nowcasting in West Yorkshire

An increasing concern of national and regional policymaking in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is provision of timely data on real-time economic performance and underlying activities throughout different parts of the nation and regions to give a complete signal about a fair, just, and long-lasting recovery plan for all. This briefing note outlines the economic recovery plan of the West Yorkshire region as a direct response to a request by West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The economic recovery plan has naturally evolved from a necessary immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic to a broader re-imaging of developing a sustainable, fair and inclusive economy. This evolution brings with it a necessity to reconceptualise the aims and approaches of economic forecasting in West Yorkshire and the measurement of success.

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“Working-class voices” in economic policy – Report 1

The purpose of this report is to look at working-class involvement in local government and regional decision making. It covers whether there is engagement, at what level, and in what depth. It further offers a brief outline of what it means to be defined as working class, given that there are distinctions that set the UK apart from other countries (LSE study, 2021). The report will also look at how policy is determined and how consultation and participation by various actors feed into that process. A short survey of those involved in policymaking feeds into this report as does previous research undertaken for Wakefield District Council around poverty (Jose 2019). A rich vein of local community engagement around existing projects, such as the implementation of local community food shops. Recently the term “community engagement” has come to the fore in local government circles and is driven by a framework of ideas, ideologies, strategies and methods.

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Terms of Reference of the PERN Academic Steering Group

PERN is an academic-led and multi-University model of policy engagement and collaboration, facilitated by Yorkshire Universities. The independent academic steering group of PERN has been established as the prime vehicle through which this model is achieved. The academic steering group was initially informally arranged and developed to meet the urgency of economic recovery.

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